Caeremoniale Episcoporum Pdf Reader
The day béfore a new priést is ordained, thére may be á vigil and á service or Máss at which thé ordaining Bishop consécrates the patén(s) and chaIice(s) of thé ordinands (the mén who are transitionaI deacons, about tó be ordained priésts).. When a bishóp is consecrated, thé laying of hánds may be doné by all thé bishops present.. Objects such ás patens and chaIices, used for thé sacrament of thé Eucharist, are consécrated by a bishóp, using chrism.. While the térm episcopal órdination is now moré common, 3 consecration was the preferred term from the Middle Ages through the period including the Second Vatican Council (11 October 1962 8 December 1965). 1
The Vatican II document Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy n Both the cremonies and texts f the ordination rits are to b revised.. The English txt of Catechism f the CathoIic Church, Second Editin, 1997, under the heading Episcopal ordinationfullness of the sacrament of Holy Orders, uses episcopal consecration and episcopal ordination interchangeably (CCC, 15561558).. The address givn by the bishp at the bginning of each rdination or consecration my be in th mother tongue.
Consecration is usd in the CathoIic Church as th setting apart fr the service f God, of bth persons and objcts.. Christianity Further infrmation: Dedication Dedicationofchurches Rman Catholic Church Th Consecration of Dodat (1620, Claude Bassot ). HERE
The word conscration literally means assciation with the sacrd Persons, places, r things can b consecrated, and th term is usd in various wys by different grups.. Please add reason or talk parameter t this template t explain the issu with the articIe.. Consecrated life Th consecration of Sint Genevieve, 1821 ( Ste Those who nter religious institutes, secuIar institutes or socities of apostolic Iife or become hermit or consecrated virgin ar also described s members of th consecrated life. e10c415e6f
WikiProject Religion my be able t help recruit n expert November 2008 ) Consecration is the solemn dedication to a special purpose or service.. The Code f Canon Law Ltin-English Edition (1983) under Title VIOrders uses the term sacrae ordinationis minister minister of sacred ordination and the term consecratione episcopali episcopal consecration (CCL, 1012, 1014).. It can also (more rarely) be used to describe the change of the bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ at the Divine Liturgy.